/// We have launched a new Christian preschool in our community. Scroll to the bottom of this page for more information. ///

Growth Track.

It's time to get started.

Revive City Growth Track guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and the life God created for you. It's made up of 3 steps that equip you to:

1) Connect to the church.
2) Cultivate strong spiritual habits & discover your purpose..
3) Commission your God-given gifts to make a difference.


Everyone wants to find a place where they belong. Whether you're new to faith, new to Revive City, or have been attending for a while; we want you to find your place --a place you can feel supported, encouraged and loved. Growth Track CONNECT is designed to help you understand the foundation of Revive City Church and to help you get connected to our church family. If you decide that this church is the right fit for you, then you can learn about what next steps to take to get more involved in the mission and purpose of our church.  


Life wasn't meant to be lived standing still. We should always be moving, learning, and growing as people and as followers of Jesus; but it can be easy to get stuck in a rut. It's not that you're unwilling to grow - maybe you just aren't sure where to start or what to do next. Growth Track Cultivate is designed to teach you about these simple habits to get you on the right track, and show you the steps to take to mature and grow as a Christian.


What you do with your life matters to God. Sometimes it might feel like your actions are inconsequential, but you were created for a purpose! God has shaped you in a unique way - by your spiritual gifts, your heart, your abilities, your personality, and your experiences. Growth Track COMMISSION is designed to help you impact the world based on who you are.